Law enforcement cadets awarded scholarships by American Legion and First State Bank of Uvalde

Uvalde, TX, December 15, 2020 - SWTJC law enforcement academy cadets Mathew Christian, Christina Salazar, Daniel Ruiz, and Angel Cisneros were awarded a $250 scholarship by the Uvalde American Legion Post #26 for their military service. Carolina Zavala was awarded the $500 First State Bank Uvalde Fallen Hero’s Scholarship. The presentation was made on Dec. 11 in Uvalde.
SWTJC Allied Health and Human Services Division Chair JJ Suarez made the presentation of awards on behalf of the American Legion Post #26.
Cadets who have served in the U.S. armed forces are eligible to receive the American Legion scholarship. The First State Bank of Uvalde scholarship is awarded to a non-veteran cadet with the winning essay.