Welcome to the Southwest Texas College International Student Information and Services page.
This page was created to better assist our current and prospective international students.
International Student Admission ProcedureA person who is not a citizen or permanent resident alien of the United States is considered an International Student.
To be admitted as an International Student, an applicant must submit the following requirements to our International Student Advisor's office by the published deadlines below.
Applications Timelines for International Students
Priority application dates are as follows for completed applications to SWTX:
Semester | Application Date |
Fall | June 1st |
Spring | November 1st |
Summer | April 1st |
Please submit the required forms to the campus you will be attending:
Del Rio Campus
Eva K. De Anda
Charles and Polly Chandler Student Services Building (Building C), Office 116
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840 ekdeanda@swtxc.edu
(830) 703-1593
Eagle Pass Campus
Mayra A. Gonzalez
Administration and Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852 magonzalez1@swtxc.edu
(830) 758-4101
Uvalde / Crystal City / Hondo / Pearsall Campuses
Olivia Guerrero-Rish
Rodolfo R. Flores and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801 olguerrero-rish@swtxc.edu
(830) 591-7276
Ysenia Silva
Rodolfo R. Flores and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801 ymsilva@swtxc.edu
(830) 591-7376
International Student Forms
Admissions Application (ApplyTexas)
Financial Support Form I-134 (if student will have a U.S. Sponsor)
Financial Support Form (I-134) Instructions
International Student Admission Procedure
Step 1: New Applicants Must Submit the Following Documents for Issuance of I-20
- I-20 Request Form
- SWTX College Admissions Application
- Original and sealed high school transcript (CARDEX) and or transcript(s) from any college(s) or universities attended in or out of the United States
- Financial Statement – (U.S. sponsor)
Notarized Declaration of Financial support form (I-134) signed by U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident sponsor guaranteeing ability to pay expenses. Bank statement of financial sponsor that confirms a minimum of $14,000.00 in US dollars that is currently available for the student's educational expenses per year (tuition, fees, housing, books, travel, and personal expenses).
Financial Statement – (Sponsor outside U.S.) Instructions
Bank statement of financial sponsor and an official letter from the bank on letterhead signed by a bank official that confirms a minimum of $14,000.00 in U.S. dollars that is currently available for the student’s educational expenses per year (tuition, fees, housing, books, travel, and personal expenses). This letter must be in English and have funds listed in U.S. dollars.
- SWTX Housing Application along with a $150 deposit (check or money order, payable to SWTX) to reserve a room. (On-Campus Housing located only on the Uvalde Campus)
- Front and Back copies of valid Passport or Visa.
- Must have a TB skin test or chest x-ray and must have been performed and read with in ninety days of registration by a physician or licensed nurse in the USA. Must also have a Bacterial Meningitis vaccination. The report should be submitted along with the above required documents. Application will not be processed until all requirements are met.
Upon successful completion of the above referenced documents, the I-20 will be processed and mailed to the student or sponsor no sooner than 120 days prior to the beginning of semester to which student wants to attend.
Step 2: New applicants need to pay a SEVIS I-901 Fee of $350.00
ONLY upon receiving I-20, can student or sponsor pay the NEW SEVIS I-901 Fee. Student or sponsor can log on to “http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/index.htm” for instructions on various ways of paying the I-901 fee. The Internet and Western Union payment options are the most rapid means.
Step 3: Schedule and Visit US Consulate
Visit to Consulate requires an appointment. An appointment fee will be required before the Consulate Appointment. Please check your notice from the Consulate for required documents. See examples below:
- Proof of verification of enrollment (Registration Statement/Acceptance Letter)
- Receipt of SEVIS I- 901 fee
- I-20
- Financial Statement from your U.S. Sponsor or Sponsor outside U.S.
- Valid Passport/VISA
- Birth Certificate or Marriage License
Step 4: Students MUST report to School Official(s) after arrival in U.S. along with copies of VALIDATED I-20, VISA, and I-94 and submit copies to International Student Office to complete admission.
Transfer Admissions:
Students seeking transfer to SWTX from another institution in the U.S. should follow the same procedures and submit the same documents as new F-1 applicants including the following:
- A copy of I-20 ID issued by the previously attended US institution(s) and official transcript(s).
- A copy of passport, visa and I-94 card.
- A completed SWTX Transfer Eligibility Form – Students’ current institution will endorse the form indicating eligibility to transfer to SWTX.
- Must be enrolled on a full-time (12 hrs.) basis (unless approved by school official) and maintain full time enrollment status and satisfactory progress as defined in the Scholastic Progress Standards section of the college catalog.
- required to report any change in status immediately in person or by phone.
- Comply with SWTX regulations and all other laws governing United States citizens.
- Failure to comply with any of these regulations may result in expulsion from Southwest Texas College and deportation from the United States.
Requisitos e Informacion para Estudiantes Internacionales
Requisito 1: Entregar los siguientes documentos para obtener la I-20:
- Formulario I-20
- Solicitud de admisión a Southwest Texas College (SWTX)
- Transcripción de la escuela secundaria original y sellada (CARDEX), o de instituciόn de estudios superiores a la cual haya asistido fuera o dentro del los EE.UU.
- Declaración financiera – Forma I-134, firmada y notariada por un patrocinador que sea ciudadano o residente permanente de los EE.UU.
O Estado Financiero – fuera de EE.UU. El estudiante debe presentar una carta membretada y firmada por el gerente u oficial del banco que demuestre que el estudiante o sus padres mantienen actualmente en su cuenta bancaria un mínimo de $14,000.00 (E.E.UU.), disponible para los gastos anuales del estudiante. Si la institución financiera no puede proveer cantidades, se requiere un estado de cuenta adjunto a la carta.
- Solicitud de dormitorio de Southwest Texas College (SWTX) con un depósito de $95.00 (EE.UU.) para reservar la habitación. (Los dormitorios están disponibles UNICAMENTE en Uvalde)
- Copias del frente e inverso del pasaporte o Visa vigente.
- Obtener en los EE.UU. una prueba de TB (tuberculosis) o radiografía pulmonar y Meningitis Bacterial por un médico o enfermera, y entregar los resultados durante el proceso de admisión a Southwest Texas College (SWTX) Es importante que los resultados sean entregados junto con los demás documentos requeridos o su aplicación para obtener la I-20 no será procesada.
Después de obtener todos los documentos necesarios, se enviara la forma I-20 al estudiante o patrocinador por lo menos 120 días antes del inició del semestre en cual el estudiante desea iniciar sus estudios.
Requisito 2: Pagar la cuota a SEVIS I-901 de $350.00 dólares EE.UU.
Después de obtener la I-20, el estudiante o patrocinador puede pagar la cuota SEVIS I-901, por medio de entrar al sito “http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/index.htm” El Internet (con tarjeta de crédito) y Western Union son los medios más rápidos para hacer el pago.
Requisito 3: Lleve los siguientes documentos a la cita con el Cónsul:
- Prueba de inscripción a Southwest Texas College (SWTX), Declaración de registro o Carta de Aceptación
- Comprobante de pago a SEVIS I-901
- La forma I-20
- Estado Financiero de su patrocinador(es) en EE.UU. o fuera de EE.UU.
- Pasaporte/Visa
- Acta de nacimiento o de matrimonio
Requisito 4: El estudiante debe presentar la I-20, VISA, y I-94 al sitio escolar a la oficina de Estudiantes Internacionales en SWTX para que obtengan copias de estos documentos para su archivo.
Transfiriéndose de un colegio o universidad en EE.UU. a otra:
El estudiante debe seguir el mismo proceso y presentar los mismos documentos ante dichos, incluyendo los siguientes:
- Copia de la I-20 expedida por el colegio o universidad al cual haya asistido y copia oficial de transcripciόn
- Copia del pasaporte, visa y tarjeta I-94
- Una forma de transferencia completada para SWTX- El colegio anterior del estudiante sera el que elige si el estudiante será transferido.
Los estudiantes internacionales deben también cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Matricularse y mantener tiempo completo (12 horas de crédito por semestre) a menos que la matricula por menos horas o créditos sea aprobado por un funcionario escolar
- Mantener un progreso satisfactorio tal como se define en la sección de “Normas de Progreso Escolar” en el catálogo de Southwest Texas College (SWTX)
- Cumplir con los requisitos y leyes que rigen a los ciudadanos de los EE.UU.
- El no cumplir con alguno de estos requisitos resultara en expulsiόn de Southwest Texas College (SWTX) y deportación de los EE.UU.