SWTJC Faculty Gears Up for fall semester: Campus Welcome Scheduled

SWTJC President, Dr. Hector Gonzales, is set to warmly welcome the returning educators during the first general session of the fall convocation. The event is scheduled for Aug. 23, marking a pivotal moment in the college's yearly calendar.
Commencing with a continental breakfast at 8 a.m. in the Matthews Student Center, the day's agenda will proceed to the Tate Auditorium on the SWTJC Uvalde campus. President Gonzales will deliver his opening remarks, setting the tone for the semester ahead.
The meeting will provide a platform for important updates and information sharing. Faculty and staff will receive essential updates from the Vice Presidents of Academic Affairs, Finance, and Administrative Services, along with the Chief of Staff/Acting Vice President.
Following the general session, attendees will engage in focused division meetings to better understand the college's goals and strategies. The convocation schedule also includes practical training sessions, including Smartboard Training and Anatomage Training, ensuring faculty members are well-equipped to provide effective and innovative instruction.
The fall convocation is an integral moment for SWTJC, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among the faculty and staff. It's a time to reflect on past successes, gear up for new challenges, and collectively contribute to the college's ongoing commitment to excellence in education.
For further details and to stay informed about SWTJC's initiatives, visit the official Southwest Texas Junior College website.