Cook named SWTJC mascot design contest winner

Uvalde, TX, August 19, 2021 - Southwest Texas Junior College alum Hailey Cook of Uvalde was named the grand prize winner to the mascot design contest on Aug. 10.
Cook received a tuition scholarship valued at $350 for her winning design.
The official college mascot is the cowboy and has been since the school was established in 1946.
According to the creative contest brief, the college’s goal was to update and modernize the SWTJC Cowboy mascot. The previous mascot graphic has been in use since 1975.
The mascot will display in college publications, advertisements, college website, social media platforms, clothing, facilities, etc.
Several artists from around the region submitted a total of 44 designs.
All submissions underwent a blind review—without name or position—by the SWTJC Mascot Design Competition Committee. The committee selected 12 designs, which the college top administration reviewed in round one. The top five finalists moved on to round two. In round two, an online voting contest was conducted, where the SWTJC Community voted to select the winning design.
Cook’s design garnered 208 of the 386 votes submitted.
Cook is a 2018 graduate of Knippa High School. She obtained her associate of arts degree in 2020 at SWTJC. Currently, Cook is enrolled in the wildlife program at SWTJC.