SWTJC president’s and dean’s list announced for Spring 2019 semester

Southwest Texas Junior College President Dr. Hector Gonzales, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Dr. Cheryl Sanchez, and Dean of the College of Applied Sciences Juan Guzman have recognized 343 students for academic excellence during the 2019 spring semester.
Full-time students, those enrolled in 12 or more hours, are eligible for academic honors. The President’s List recognizes those full-time students who maintained a 4.0-grade point average (GPA) throughout the semester. The Dean’s List recognizes those students who maintained at least a 3.6 GPA throughout the semester. A total of 189 students earned a spot on the President’s List, and 154 students earned a spot on the Dean’s List.
"I commend the hard work of each of these students," President Gonzales said. "It is a pleasure to honor their dedication to excellence."
For a complete list of the President’s and Dean’s Lists click on the links below.