SWTJC mandates masks amid rising COVID-19 cases in the region

Dr. Hector Gonzales, SWTJC President, laid out the current measures the college has implemented to mitigate infections on campus.
According to the report from Gonzales, the college has a multilayered strategy to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, which includes offering and promoting vaccines, consistent and correct mask use, physical distancing, handwashing and respiratory etiquette, contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine.
In addition, air scrubbers are being used to increase ventilation and cleaning in every classroom and main office area. Individual offices are in the process of having air scrubbers installed.
"We feel confident that with our multilayered approach, in addition to requiring masks at this time, we will be able to maintain in-person classes," said Dr. Hector Gonzales, SWTJC President. "I think it's the right thing to do. I think it's what we need to do to continue to operate in a face-to-face environment."
The decision for students to wear masks comes only two days after the implementation of required masks for all college faculty and staff at all locations.
The new COVID-19 protocol requires all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to wear a mask when indoors. In addition, all will wear a mask outdoors if unable to maintain a six-foot separation from other individuals.
Faculty and staff can remove masks indoors while in their personal office alone or behind plexiglass.
Students are reminded of the ability to join the Zoom section of their face-to-face course as needed.
SWTJC fall classes begin Monday, Aug. 23, with late registration ending Aug. 24. Individuals can still register for the 12-week semester until Sept. 17 and the second 8-week semester until Oct. 12.