Vocational Nursing (51.3901) Uvalde, Eagle Pass, and Del Rio Campuses
TEAS Exam Schedule
TEAS exams for Vocational Nursing (LVN) will be held on January 31, February 15, February 28, March 14, March 22, and April 25 online at 9:00 am.
For questions, contact:
Veronica Fosbenner in Uvalde - vfosbenner@swtxc.edu
Lizet Medrano in Del Rio - lmedrano@swtxc.edu
Norma Diaz in Eagle Pass - nadiaz@swtxc.edu
Faculty and Staff
The purpose of the SWTJC Vocational Nursing Program is to prepare graduate vocational nurses as beginning practitioners who are competent and self-directed to function under the supervision of the registered nurse or physician. The primary role of the entry-level graduate of a vocational nursing program is to provide nursing care in structured health care setting for individual clients who are experiencing common, well-defined health problems with predictable outcomes. The new graduate can readily integrate technical skills and use of computers and equipment into practice. The vocational nursing role represents the beginning level of the nursing practice continuum as members of the profession, provider of patient-centered care, patient safety advocate, and member of health care team.Students who successfully complete all programs objectives and meet the Texas Board of Nursing requirements will be eligible to register and take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) and apply to the Texas Board of Nursing for Licensure.
The Vocational Nursing Program consistently strives to promote the highest standards in vocational nurse education and nursing practice. The school operates under the direction of Southwest Texas Junior College, the Texas Board of Nursing, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Program Goals
The goals of Southwest Texas Junior College Vocational Nursing are to:
- Provide and maintain a quality curriculum that incorporates educational requirements and competencies as prescribed by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
- Provide instruction that includes current standards of nursing practice, procedures, and advances in technology (computers, simulation, etc.)
- Provide a quality learning environment that promotes critical thinking, enhances problem solving abilities, and ensures technical competence.
- Ensure that students are prepared to successfully pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).
- Ensure that the graduate will function as a vital member of the health care team in meeting the needs of a socially diverse community.
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Program, the graduate will be able to:
- Safely plan and implement therapeutic nursing interventions within the scope and role of the vocational nurse as an entry level practitioner in a variety of healthcare settings.
- Demonstrate critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in the delivery of safe and effective care.
- Utilize the nursing process as a conceptual model in the care of patients, families, and communities with commonly occurring health needs throughout the life span.
- Demonstrate therapeutic communication skills while interacting with patients, families, communities, and members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team.
- Demonstrate caring behaviors and respect for humans in meeting the needs of patients.
- Implement a teaching plan for patients with common health problems and well defined learning needs.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in the practice of vocational nursing as stated in the Vocational Nursing Practice Act.
- Demonstrate accountability for own nursing practice.
- Participate as an advocate in the activities that focus on improving the health care of patients.
- Demonstrate behaviors that promote the development and practice of vocational nursing.
SWTJC Vocational Nursing Program is approved by the Texas Board of Nursing and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Application Process
Students are admitted to this program through regular college admission procedures (see Admission Regulations section) and by satisfying the following additional requirements:
1. Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA for specific prerequisites that include BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II, PSYC 2301 General Psychology, and PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development. Acquired grades below a “C” on prerequisites will not be accepted.
Note: If Anatomy & Physiology course grade is over 5 years old, at the time of applying, the course MUST be repeated. If both BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 are over 5 years old, at the time of applying, RNSG 1311 Nursing Pathophysiology may be taken in lieu of both BIOL courses. If the grade for RNSG 1311 is over 5 years old at the end of the spring semester of entrance year, it is required that the applicant retake RNSG 1311. Meeting the application process does not guarantee admission into the program.
2. Application for admission to SWTJC and to the VN Program.
3. Official High School transcript or GED certificate.
4. Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended.
5. Meet TSI College-Readiness requirements.
a) If exempt due to an alternate test, you must provide documentation of acceptable scores. This applies to
6. Take the TEAS VI examination and meet the Vocational Nursing Program requirements. Please call in spring for scheduled dates.
7. Three letters of reference that speak to your character and work ethic (instructors, co-workers, or employers)
8. A background investigation is required for all SWTJC Nursing Students prior to admission into the nursing program.
After the student applies for admission the SWTJC Vocational Nursing Program will submit the student’s name to the Texas Board of Nursing. The student’s information is then sent to IdentoGo. This company will notify the student as to when he/she can make arrangements to have a fingerprint scanning appointment with IdentoGo. The student will pay IdentoGo for both fingerprint scanning services) and the cost of the DPS/FBI background check
The Texas Board of Nursing will send the results of the DPS/FBI criminal background check to the student (clear background check, positive background check or request a petition for declaratory order, or correspond with the student who has a rejected fingerprint scan and request another scan).
As a condition of admission, the SWTJC Vocational Nursing Program will require the student to provide The School of Nursing with copies of all communications regarding the student’s status received from the Texas Board of Nursing.
9. The following are the requirements set out by the Texas Board of Nursing:
The Texas Board of Nursing requires the following questions be asked of each applicant prior to Licensur:
- Have you ever had any disciplinary action on a nursing license or a privilege to practice in any state, country, or province?
- Do you have an investigation or complaint pending on a nursing license or a privilege to practice in any state, country, or province?
- Have you, in the last 5 years*, been addicted to/and or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug?
- For any criminal offense, including those pending appeal, have you:
(You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations or offenses previously disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing on an initial or renewal application.)
- been arrested and have any pending criminal charges?
- been convicted of a misdemeanor?
- been convicted of a felony?
- pled nolo contendere, no contest, or guilty?
- received deferred adjudication?
- been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
- been sentenced to serve jail or prison time? Court-ordered confinement?
- been granted pre-trial diversion?
- been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
- been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment/punishment/action?
Note: Expunged and Sealed Offenses: While expunged or sealed offenses, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed; it is your responsibility to ensure the offense, arrest, ticket or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed. It is recommended that you submit a copy of the Court Order expunging or sealing the record in question to our office with your application. Failure to reveal an offense, arrest, ticket, or citation that is not in fact expunged or sealed, will at a minimum, subject your license to a disciplinary fine. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises questions related to truthfulness and character. (see 22 TAC § 213.27).
Note: Orders of Non-Disclosure: Pursuant to Tex Gov’t Code §552.142(b), if you have criminal matters that are the subject of an order of non-disclosure you are not required to reveal those criminal matters on this form. However, a criminal matter that is subject of an order of non-disclosure may become a character and fitness issue. Pursuant to other sections of the Gov’t Code chapter 411, the Texas Nursing Board is entitled to access criminal history record information that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure. If the Board discovers a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure, even if you properly did not reveal that matter, the Board may require you to provide information about any conduct that raises issues of character and fitness.
5. Have you ever had any licensing (other than a nursing license) or regulatory authority in any state, jurisdiction, country, or province revoked, annulled, cancelled, accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew or otherwise discipline any other professional or occupational license, certificate, nurse aide registration or multistate privilege to practice that you held?
6. Are you currently suffering from any condition for which you are not being appropriately treated that impairs your judgment or that would otherwise adversely affect your ability to practice in a competent, ethical, and professional manner?
7. Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency investigation?
8. Are you currently a participant in an alternative to discipline, diversion, or a peer assistance program? (This includes all confidential programs)
Note: Any positive response will remain confidential and not subject to public disclosure unless required by law.
9. Have you ever been granted the authority to practice nursing in any country, state, province, or territory?
Note: This does not apply to any nursing license(s) issued by another U.S. state or territory, excluding Puerto Rico. If you were licensed in Puerto Rico, you should be answering yes.
*Pursuant to the Texas Occupations Code §301.27, information, including diagnosis and treatment, regarding an individual’s physical or mental condition, intemperate use of drugs or alcohol, or chemical dependency and information regarding an individual’s criminal history is confidential to the same extent that information collected as part of an investigation is confidential under the Texas Occupations Code §301.466.
All students are required to comply with Texas Board of Nursing rules and regulations in order to become licensed.
10. All application requirements must be completed and filed by April 1st. All requirements for admission, including successful background check with the Texas Board of Nursing must be met in order to be considered for admission to the nursing program. The student will receive written notification of acceptance to the SWTJC Vocational Nursing Program.
Students that have received a letter of acceptance require the following documentation:
1. A drug screening test is required for all SWTJC Vocational Nursing students.
2. A physical exam conducted by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant that demonstrates evidence of good physical and mental health (received within the last 6 months). The student is responsible for paying for the cost of the physical exam.
The exam must include the following documentation:
Tuberculin Test (PPD) or Chest X-ray
Hepatitis B Vaccine Series (series of three)
MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine)
Td Booster (administered within 10 years prior to
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
Varicella - 2 doses (history of disease not accepted)
Flu Shot (when offered; by end of October)
3. Proof of personal health insurance coverage.
4. Proof of current CPR from American Heart Association - Basic Life Support BLS (CPR & AED).
5. Proof of liability insurance, which the student must enroll in through SWTJC. The student is responsible for the cost of liability insurance.
Re-Admission Policy
- Students applying for re-admission to the Vocational Nursing Program (VN) must comply with all current SWTJC admissions requirements, VN program admission requirements, and with VN program re-admission requirements.
- Students applying for re-admission to the VN program are not automatically granted acceptance. Readmission is contingent upon space availability.
- A student that fails or is withdrawn from the VN program must submit a letter to the Admissions and Progression Nursing Committee explaining the reason for failure/withdrawal and a plan of action for future success.
- The Admissions and Progression Committee will evaluate each student on an individual basis and will assess the student’s ability to demonstrate skills, knowledge, professional and ethical behaviors. The decision will also be based on the curriculum in effect at the time of application for re-admission.
- Students who were withdrawn from the VN program during the fall semester and are accepted for re-admission will be required to repeat all courses for the fall semester regardless of any previous nursing course work successfully completed.
- Students who were withdrawn from the VN program during the Spring semester will be required to make an appointment with the director of the nursing program during the summer, by May 15th, to schedule the following requirements:
7. All students must complete the VN program within two years from initial admission; otherwise, students will be required to re-apply and repeat the VN program entirely regardless of previous
8. Re-admitted students must contact the nursing program to make arrangements for a current Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Test.
All policies associated with the Vocational Nursing program are subject to change without prior notice in order to keep all College and Program policies in compliance with State and Federal laws and/or with rules regulated to the program’s accrediting agency.
Program of Study
Vocational Nursing Certificate
Program of Study
Summer Session I
Course Number | Title | Credit |
EDUC 1300π | Learning Framework | |
or | ||
COLS 0300 | College Success Skills | |
BIOL 2401 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
PSYC 2314 | Lifespan Growth & Development | 3 |
Total | 7 |
Summer Session II
Course Number | Title | |
BIOL 2402 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
PSYC 2301 | General Psychology | 3 |
Total | 7 |
Fall Semester
Course Number | Title | Credit |
VNSG 11162 | Nutrition | 1 |
VNSG 1323 | Basic Nursing Skills | 3 |
VNSG 2331 | Advanced Nursing Skills | 3 |
VNSG 1122 | Vocational Nursing Concepts | 1 |
VNSG 1136 | Mental Health | 1 |
VNSG 1329 | Medical/Surgical Nursing I | 3 |
VNSG 1126 | Gerontology | 1 |
VNSG 1227 | Essentials of Medication Administration | 2 |
VNSG 1360 | Clinical - Licensed Vocational Nurse | |
Training | 3 | |
Total | 18 |
Spring Semester
Course Number | Title | |
VNSG 1230 | Maternal-Neonatal Nursing | 2 |
VNSG 1234 | Pediatrics | 2 |
VNSG 14321 | Medical/Surgical Nursing II | 4 |
VNSG 1138 | Mental Illness | 1 |
VNSG 1231 | Pharmacology | 2 |
VNSG 1561 | Clinical - Licensed Vocational Nurse | |
Training | 5 | |
Total | 16 | |
Total Credit Hours for VN Program | 48 |
- Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.
- HECO 1322 or BIOL 1322 may replace.
π All students are required to take EDUC 1300 or COLS 0300; however, EDUC 1300/COLS 0300 do not count toward degree requirements.
Tuition and Fees
Students enrolling in the Vocational Nursing Program pay the regular college tuition, fees and an additional $300 Allied Health surcharge each fall and spring semester. Additional fees are also required prior to admission and upon acceptance to the program. The following fees are approximate costs identified to assist the student in financial planning:
Fall Semester
Additional Fees/Expenses | Approximate Fee | |
1 | Required Physical Exam | Varies |
2 | Hepatitis B vaccine series | about $80.00 |
3 | Uniforms ordered through the nursing school | $75.00 |
4 | School Patches (available at bookstore) | $6.00 |
5 | Textbooks | about $900.00 |
6 | Nursing Equipment (stethoscope, bandage scissors, hemostat, Penlight, sphygmomanometer, gait belt, goggles) | about $69.00 |
7 | Liability insurance | $14.50 |
8 | White nursing shoes | Varies |
9 | Watch with a second hand | Varies |
10 | Four function calculator | Varies |
11 | ATI National Assessment Exams and Remediation | $987.50 |
Spring Semester
Additional Fees/Expenses | Approximate Fee | |
1 | Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas License Fee | $75.00 |
2 | National Council Licensure examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) | $200.00 |
3 | Graduation Cap and Gown and Diploma | about $75.00 |
4 | ATI National Assessment Exams & Remediation | $987.50 |
Withdrawal and Dismissal Policy
Southwest Texas Junior College Vocational Nursing Program reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student whose health, attendance, conduct, personal qualities or scholastic records indicate that it would be inadvisable for the student to continue in the program. Students must maintain a minimum grade of 80 in all nursing courses in order to remain in the nursing program. Students withdrawing from the nursing program must comply with the SWTJC withdrawal policy and must participate in an exit interview in order to remain in good standing.
Vocational Nursing Advanced Placement Policy
A student who is a Certified Nurse Aid (CNA) may receive credit for:
VNSG 1323 – Basic Nursing Skills (3 hrs.)
To receive advanced placement credit for the vocational nursing certificate of completion, the applicant must:
- Provide documentation of current CNA certification;
- Apply and be admitted into the Nursing Program;
- Have completed at least 6 semester hours at SWTJC;
- Satisfactorily complete a skills assessment exam with a grade of 80% or better;
- Make arrangements to take the exam with a nursing faculty 4 weeks before the first day of school.
Students who meet the criteria and satisfactorily pass the skills assessment exam will receive advanced placement credit and a grade of “P” for the course.
Graduation Requirements
Students who have met all program requirements are eligible to attend the May commencement ceremony. Graduates will receive a Vocational Nursing Certificate of Completion.
Vocational Nursing Catalog Pages
Program of Study Full-Text Catalog Pages (Opens Full Catalog)
Vocational Nursing Resources
Gainful Employment Disclosure (Certificate)
Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.
Pathful Explore offers several resources to support your career readiness and future planning. Pathful Explore takes the guesswork out of planning for your future. Start exploring and preparing for your career!
Visit with Your Success Coach
- Crystal City Students
- Del Rio Students
- Eagle Pass Students
- Hondo Students
- Pearsall Students
- Uvalde Students
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Idalia DeLaCruz |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Eva De Anda |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.
International students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Dorylee E. Baez-Nieves |
Claudia De La Garza |
Areli Fisher |
Claudia Valdez |
Samantha Alfaro |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Alexya M. Herrera.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose a virtual appointment by clicking the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Olivia Guerrero-Rish |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.
Visit with Your Success Coach
Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.
Olivia Guerrero-Rish |
Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.
Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment.