Automotive Technology Certificate Level 1 Basic and Advanced and A.A.S. (47.0604)

Automotive Technology Certificate Level 1 Basic and Advanced and A.A.S. (47.0604) Uvalde Campus

Faculty and Staff

A Mondragon
Armando Mondragon
Division Chair,
Applied Sciences
(830) 758-4106
(830) 591-7274
J Estrada
Judy F. Estrada
Division Chair,
Applied Sciences

(830) 591-7288
M Lopez
Miguel Angel Lopez
(830) 591-7258
J Aviles
John Aviles
Email(830) 591-4161
D Vargas
Daniel T. Vargas
(830) 591-7258


The purpose of the Automotive Technology program is to provide the students training in eight areas of Automotive Service Excellence (A.S.E.) certification. These areas include: engine repair, automatic transmission/transaxle, manual drive train and axles, suspension and steering, brakes, electrical systems, heating and air conditioning, and engine performance. The goal of the program is for graduates to be employable as entry-level technicians in a service shop or dealership. At the completion of each Level One Certificate and/or the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree, students will be required to take the appropriate A.S.E. Student Examinations.

Admissions Requirements

Students are admitted to the Automotive Technology program through the regular college admission procedures (see Admission Regulations section). Students will receive a Level One Certificate and/or an A.A.S. degree upon satisfactory completion of the program of study and upon making formal application for graduation (see Curricula section).

The Automotive Technology program carries three award options, Level One Basic Certificate, a Level One Advanced Certificate, and an A.A.S. degree. The Level One Certificates are TSI exempt; however, those not meeting TSI requirements are encouraged to enroll in the appropriate developmental course(s).

Students who wish to pursue the two-year A.A.S. degree must meet all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements.

Program of Study

Automotive Technology Basic Level One Certificate

Program of Study

(Prerequisite: Automotive Technology - Basic Level One Certificate)

Fall Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Basic Level One Certificate Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 2417 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I 4
Total 12

Spring Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Basic Level One Certificate Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 24341 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering
Systems 4
AUMT 1445 Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning 4
Total 12
Total Credit Hours for Certificate 24


  1. Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.

Automotive Technology Advanced Level One Certificate

Program of Study

(Prerequisite: Automotive Technology - Basic Level One Certificate)

Fall Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Advanced Level One Certificate Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 2413 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 4
AUMT 2421 Automotive Electrical Lighting and
Accessories 4
AUMT 2443 Advanced Emission Systems Diagnostics 4
Total 12

Spring Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Advanced Level One Certificate Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 2425 Automotive Automatic Transmission and 
Transaxle 4
AUMT 2328 Automotive Service 3
AUMT 2280 Coop Educ - Automobile/Automotive
Mechanics Technology/Technician 2
Total 9
Total Credit Hours for Certificate 21


  1. Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.
π All students are required to take EDUC 1300 or COLS 0300; however, EDUC 1300/COLS 0300 do not count toward degree requirements.

Automotive Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree

Automotive Technology Program of Study Associate of Applied Science
General Education Courses Credit
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
Humanities & Fine Arts 3
Natural Science & Math 3
Other 6
Total General Education Courses 15
Technical Education Courses 45
Total Credit Hours for A.A.S. 60

Program of Study

First Year

Fall Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Associate of Applied Science First Year Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
EDUC 1300π Learning Framework
COLS 0300 College Success Skills
AUMT 1410 Automotive Brake Systems 4
AUMT 1407 Automotive Electrical Systems 4
AUMT 2417 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis I 4
Elective Core Elective - Language, Philosophy
& Culture/Fine Arts 3
Total 15

Spring Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Associate of Applied Science First Year Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 2434 Automotive Engine Performance Analysis II 4
AUMT 1416 Automotive Suspension and Steering
Systems 4
AUMT 1445 Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning 4
COSC 1301 Microcomputer Applications 3
Total 15

Summer Session

Automotive Technology Associate of Applied Science Program of Study Summer Session
Course Number Title Credit
Elective Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
Elective Speech Communications 3
Total 6

Second Year

Fall Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Associate of Applied Science Second Year Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 2413 Automotive Drive Train and Axles 4
AUMT 2421 Automotive Electrical Lighting and
Accessories 4
AUMT 2443 Advanced Emission Systems Diagnostics 4
Elective Core Elective - Mathematics 3
Total  15

Spring Semester

Automotive Technology Program of Study Associate of Applied Science Second Year Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
AUMT 2425 Automotive Automatic Transmission and
Transaxle 4
AUMT 2328 Automotive Services 3
AUMT 22801 Cooperative Education - Automotive
Mechanics Technology/Technician 2
Total 9
Total Credit Hours for A.A.S. 60


  1. Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.
π All students are required to take EDUC 1300 or COLS 0300; however, EDUC 1300/COLS 0300 do not count toward degree requirements.

Automotive Technology Resources


Occupational Profiles

Gainful Employment Disclosure (Certificate)

Gainful Employment Disclosure (2-year Certificate)

Texas Reality Check

Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.

Pathful Explore

Pathful Explore offers several resources to support your career readiness and future planning. Pathful Explore takes the guesswork out of planning for your future.  Start exploring and preparing for your career!

Visit with Your Success Coach

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

I DeLaCruz head shot

Idalia DeLaCruz
Dr. Antonio H. and Gloria Rivera Campus
215 W. Zavala Street
Crystal City, TX 78839
alt="" (830) 374-2828

Crystal City:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

S Colombo head shot

Sandy Colombo
Charles and Polly Chandler Student Services Building (Building C), Office 117
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1580

Del Rio:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

International students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

A Herrera

Alexya Herrera
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4156

Eagle Pass:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Alexya M. Herrera.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose a virtual appointment by clicking the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule a Virtual Appointment

L Ruiz head shot

Luis Ruiz
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-7277

alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

R Ramirez head shot

Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez
Pearsall Instructional Facility
523 E. Florida Street
Pearsall, TX 78061
alt="" (830) 334-5004

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

L Ruiz head shot

Luis Ruiz
Rodolfo R. and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-7277

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment