Wildlife Management (03.0601) Uvalde Campus


The Wildlife Management program will provide proven principles and skills, which will enable students to practice the science of wildlife management. The program will enable students to acquire the capability to become assistant Wildlife Biologists, Park Managers, Game Refuge Managers, Hunting Preserve Managers, Private Land (Ranch) Hunting Operators, Eco Tourism Managers and Wildlife Photographers. The Wildlife Management program offers a one-year Certificate and an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree.

Contact Us

A Mondragon
Armando Mondragon
Division Chair,
Applied Sciences
(830) 758-4106
(830) 591-7274
J Estrada
Judy F. Estrada
Division Chair,
Applied Sciences

(830) 591-7288
R Zaiglin
Robert Zaiglin
(830) 591-4160
D Tidwell
Daniel Tidwell
(830) 591-7327
D Wiemers
Dr. Dean Wiemers
(830) 591-7204

Mission Statement

The Wildlife Management program at SWTX is the first and only two-year associate of applied science degree program in the state of Texas.

Our mission is to provide an intense, professional learning atmosphere, both in the classroom and in the field, in order to develop experienced wildlife technicians that will prosper and have an immediate positive impact in the professional arena.

In addition, we attempt to provide each student with the opportunity for employment during their education, as well as upon successful completion of the program.



The Locke & Zaiglin Wildlife Scholarship
Platinum Members - Knight Oil Tools

This scholarship was established in 2008 by Mr. John Locke, Rancho Arenosa Ranch owner, and Bob Zaiglin, Coordinator, Wildlife Management, Southwest Texas College. The recipient of this $1,000 scholarship must be a student whose educational objective is to obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree in Wildlife Management at Southwest Texas College and demonstrate high academic standards along with a strong work ethic. Recipients of this scholarship are selected by the Wildlife Management Department at SWTX on an annual basis.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities:

Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Scholarship

Texas Wildlife Association - Texas Big Game Awards Scholarship

Dr. James Earl Kennamer Scholarship

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Scholarship

Houston Safari Club Scholarship

Society for Range Management Scholarship

Admission Requirements

Students are admitted to the Wildlife Management program through regular college admission procedures (see Admission Regulations section). Students will receive a one-year Certificate and/or an A.A.S. degree upon satisfactory completion of the courses of study and upon making formal application for graduation (see Curricula section).

The Wildlife Management program carries two award options, a one-year Certificate and the two-year A.A.S. degree. The one-year Certificate is TSI exempt, however, those not meeting TSI requirements are encouraged to enroll in the appropriate developmental course(s).

Students who wish to pursue the two-year Certificate and/or the A.A.S. degree must meet all Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements.

Program of Study

Wildlife Management Certificate

Program of Study

Fall Semester

Wildlife Management Certificate Program of Study Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
EDUC 1300π Learning Framework
COLS 0300 College Success Skills
WMGT 1305 Introduction to Wildlife Management 3
WMGT 1310 Wildlife Identification 3
AGRI 1309 Computers in Agriculture 3
Total 9

Spring Semester

Wildlife Management Certificate Program of Study Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
WMGT 12641 Practicum - Wildlife and Wildlands
Science and Management 2
WMGT 1315 Wildlife Outdoor Recreation & Management 3
GISC 1302 Understanding Geographic Information
Systems 3
AGRI 1370 Range and Wildlife Ecology 3
Total 11
Total Credit Hours for Certificate 20


  1. Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.
π All students are required to take EDUC 1300 or COLS 0300; however, EDUC 1300/COLS 0300 do not count toward degree requirements.

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree
General Education Courses Credit
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
Humanities & Fine Arts 3
Natural Science & Math 11
Other 6
Total General Education Courses 23
Technical Education Courses 37
Total Credit Hours for A.A.S. 60


Program of Study

First Year

Fall Semester

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree Program of Study First Year Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
EDUC 1300π Learning Framework
COLS 0300 College Success Skills
WMGT 1305 Introduction to Wildlife Management 3
WMGT 1310 Wildlife Identification 3
AGRI 1309 Computers in Agriculture 3
BIOL 1411 General Botany 4
Total 13

Spring Semester

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree Program of Study First Year Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
WMGT 1264 Practicum - Wildlife and Wildlands
Science and Management 2
WMGT 1315 Wildlife Outdoor Recreation & Management 3
GISC 1302 Understanding Geographic Information 
Systems 3
AGRI 1370 Range and Wildlife Ecology 3
BIOL 1413 General Zoology 4
Total 15

Summer Semester

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree Program of Study Summer Semester
Course Number Title Credit
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
Elective Speech Communications 3
Total 6

Second Year

Fall Semester

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree Program of Study Second Year Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
WMGT 1300 Wildlife Preserve Management 3
AGRI 2330 Wildlife Conservation and Management 3
GISC 1321 Introduction to Raster-Based Geographic
Information Systems 3
Elective Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
Total 12

Spring Semester

Wildlife Management Associate of Applied Science Degree Program of Study Second Year Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
WMGT 2359 Wildlife Propagation, Handling &
Management 3
WMGT 22641 Practicum - Wildlife and Wildlands
Science and Management 2
AGRI 2370 Wildlife Management Techniques 3
Elective College Level Mathematics 3
Elective Humanities and Fine Arts 3
Total 14
Total Credit Hours for A.A.S. 60


  1. Capstone course that consolidates the student's learning experiences.
π All students are required to take EDUC 1300/COLS 0300; however, EDUC 1300/COLS 0300 do not count toward degree requirements.



Santa Rosa Ranch Project - The SWTX Wildlife Management Department has been provided the unique opportunity to implement practical wildlife management techniques on a 525-acre portion of the Santa Rosa Ranch thanks to ranch owners Mr. Freddy Longoria and his wife Rosa. This opportunity is unique in that it represents a real-life classroom where students can obtain hands-on practical field experiences beneficial to their professional development. This is an ongoing project and represents the first wildlife cooperative between the Wildlife Management Department at SWTX with a private landowner.

Partner Ranches
Ranch Ranch Ranch
Longneck Ranch San Carlos Ranch Broken Row Ranch
Dos Angeles Ranch Cain Ranch Rancho Arenosa
Las Vistas Ranch Blewitt Ranch X Bar H
Boyd Ranch Morgan Ranch Rio Pinto Ranch
Martin Ranch Double L Ranch Arenosa Ranch
Black Ranch McCall 501 Ranch Briscoe Tordillo Ranch
Santa Rosa Ranch Barker Ranch Everett Ranch
Cherry Springs Ranch Goofy Ranch Agape Ranch
Byler Ranch Cedar Hallow Chaparrosa Ranch
Chris Walker Ranch Clayton Ranch El Tesoro Ranch
Great Horizon Ranch La Paloma Morani
Shield Ranch Thompson Ranch Trinity Whitetails

Sul Ross State University (Borderlands Research Institute) - Wildlife Management Concentration Articulation Agreement 

Texas A&M University - Kingsville (Caesar Kleberg Institute)

Texas Tech University

Angelo State University

Texas A&M University - College Station

Tarleton State University 

2020 - 2021 Wildlife Management Program Board Members

Name Name Name
Alan Cain Ben Binnion Bill Kuvlesky, Ph.D.
Brian Dart Chris Huey David Rios
Freddy Longoria Henry Lutz J.R. Ramirez
Jimmy Hasslocher John Locke John McCall
Maureen Frank, Ph.D. Poncho Ortega, Ph.D. Randy Methvin
Rick Machen, Ph.D. Ryan Luna, Ph.D. Tammi Johnson, Ph.D.

Wildlife Management Resources


Occupational Profiles

Gainful Employment Disclosure (Certificate)

Texas Reality Check

Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.

Pathful Explore

Pathful Explore offers several resources to support your career readiness and future planning. Pathful Explore takes the guesswork out of planning for your future.  Start exploring and preparing for your career!

Visit with Your Success Coach

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

I DeLaCruz head shot

Idalia DeLaCruz
Dr. Antonio H. and Gloria Rivera Campus
215 W. Zavala Street
Crystal City, TX 78839
alt="" (830) 374-2828

Crystal City:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

S Colombo head shot

Sandy Colombo
Charles and Polly Chandler Student Services Building (Building C), Office 117
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1580

Del Rio:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

International students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

A Herrera

Alexya Herrera
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4156

Eagle Pass:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Alexya M. Herrera.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose a virtual appointment by clicking the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule a Virtual Appointment

L Ruiz head shot

Luis Ruiz
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-7277

alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

R Ramirez head shot

Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez
Pearsall Instructional Facility
523 E. Florida Street
Pearsall, TX 78061
alt="" (830) 334-5004

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

L Ruiz head shot

Luis Ruiz
Rodolfo R. and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-7277

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

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