Start a Pathway in the Field of Economic Analysis

An associate’s degree with course work in economics from Southwest College provides the foundation for transfer to a university.

Students will study microeconomics, which involves the analysis of the behavior of individual economic agents, including consumer behavior and demand, and producer behavior and supply, along with macroeconomics, which surveys contemporary economic problems, including the concepts of national income and economic growth, determinants of aggregate demand and supply, business cycles, stabilization policies, and international economics.

Schedule an appointment below with your Success Coach to talk about specific courses and their sequence.


Continue Your Education

An associate’s degree with coursework in Economics from Southwest College provides the foundation for transfer to a university. With a bachelor’s degree in economics opportunities exist education, business and government.

Career Opportunities

Students pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree pathway in economics will be prepared for careers as economists in both the private and government sectors. The following fields provide work opportunities for Economists:

• Econometricians
• Financial economists
• Industrial organization economists
• International economists
• Labor economists
• Macroeconomists
• Monetary economists
• Microeconomists

Earning Potential

Economists in the Texas can earn an annual median salary of * $102,384

*Source:, 2017 annual median salaries statewide for Texas


Texas Reality Check

Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.

Pathful Explore

Pathful Explore offers several resources to support your career readiness and future planning. Pathful Explore takes the guesswork out of planning for your future.  Start exploring and preparing for your career!

Visit with Your Success Coach

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

I DeLaCruz head shot

Idalia DeLaCruz
Dr. Antonio H. and Gloria Rivera Campus
215 W. Zavala Street
Crystal City, TX 78839
alt="" (830) 374-2828

Crystal City:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

L Gloria head shot

Laura Gloria
Building A
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1556

Del Rio Last Name A - H:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

E De Anda head shot

Eva De Anda
Charles and Polly Chandler Student Services Building (Building C), Office 116
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1593

Del Rio Last Name I - L:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

S Colombo head shot

Sandy Colombo
Charles and Polly Chandler Student Services Building (Building C), Office 117
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1580

Del Rio Last Name M - Z:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

International students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

D Baez-Nieves

Dorylee E. Baez-Nieves
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4102

Eagle Pass Last Name A - D:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

C De La Garza head shot

Claudia De La Garza
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4142

Eagle Pass Last Name E - L:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

C Valdez head shot

Claudia Valdez
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4126

Eagle Pass Last Name M - Q:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

S Alfaro

Samantha Alfaro
Student Support Services (Building C)
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4104

Eagle Pass Last Name R - Z:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Alexya M. Herrera.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose a virtual appointment by clicking the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule a Virtual Appointment

R Arellano head shot

Rosy Arellano
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-7287

Hondo Last Name A - K:
alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

L Venegas head shot

LaSabra Ortiz
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-7352

Hondo Last Name L - Z:
alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

R Ramirez head shot

Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez
Pearsall Instructional Facility
523 E. Florida Street
Pearsall, TX 78061
alt="" (830) 334-5004

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

R Arellano head shot

Rosy Arellano
Rodolfo R. and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-7287

Uvalde Last Name A - K:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

L Venegas head shot

LaSabra Ortiz
Rodolfo R. and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-7352

Uvalde Last Name L - Z:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment