Law Enforcement Academy Certificate Level 1 (43.0107)

Law Enforcement Academy Certificate Level 1 (43.0107)  Uvalde and Eagle Pass Campuses

Academy Application

2025 - 2026 Academy Application Packet

black page icon Application Packet

Packets for the Uvalde Alpha Academy are due on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 12:00 pm (noon).

Packets for the Eagle Pass Bravo Night Academy are due on Friday, August 15, 2025, at 12:00 pm (noon).

Packets for the Uvalde Charlie Academy are due on Friday, August 15, 2025, at 12:00 pm (noon).

Mandatory Orientation Dates:

*Mandatory Orientation for the Uvalde Alpha Academy will be held on Friday, January 3, 2025, from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.

*Mandatory Orientation for the Eagle Pass Bravo Night Academy will be held on Thursday, August 21, 2025, from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm.

*Mandatory Orientation for the Uvalde Charlie Academy will be held on Friday, August 22, 2025, from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm.

The application can be filled in on the user's computer and then printed for submission or printed and then handwritten for submission. You may return the completed forms and required documentation to the following campus location:

Teresa Zamarripa
Office Manager

Southwest Texas College
Law Enforcement Academy Building (Building AB)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
(830) 591-4158

Law Enforcement Academy Purpose

Law Enforcement Academy Patch

The purpose of the Southwest Texas College Law Enforcement Academy’s Basic Peace Officer course, a 784-hour course of study, is to prepare prospective law enforcement officers for the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) Certification Exam. Students who successfully complete the Academy will earn a Level 1 Certificate in Criminal Justice and will be able to sit for the TCOLE Basic Peace Officer State Exam. In addition, upon successful completion, the student may apply the Level 1 Certificate towards the Criminal Justice Associate of Applied Science (AAS – Basic Peace Officer option). The Academy also offers TCOLE in-service courses at both intermediate and advanced levels for the purpose of enhancing the Peace Officers’ level of proficiency and meeting training requirements.

Admission Requirements- Basic Peace Officer Program

To be admitted, a prospective student must comply with TCOLE rule 217.1

Below is a summary of that rule, but please review all TCOLE requirements at the URL above.
  • The Level I Certificate is TSI-waived; however individuals are encouraged to take the TSI Assessment and, if necessary, enroll in the appropriate developmental education courses in preparation to continue to the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Criminal Justice. Individuals who have Military Exemption or individuals with a B.S. or B.A. degree or higher will not be required to test.
  • complete an SWTX Application for Admission.
  • submit a completed Criminal History Check form (FAST form).
  • be physically sound for the performance of duty appropriate to the type of license sought. Submit Physician, psychological and Drug Screening results (TCOLE L-2 & L-3 Forms).
A student who has completed all coursework for the A.A.S. Criminal Justice degree except for “Basic Peace Officer” courses (CJLE 1429, CJLE 1506, CJLE 1512, CJLE 1518, and CJLE 1524,) may apply to the Southwest Texas College Law Enforcement Academy in order to complete these courses.

Program of Study

Law Enforcement Academy Certificate

Program of Study

Fall Semester

Law Enforcement Academy Certificate Program of Study Fall Semester
Course Number Title Credit
EDUC 1300π Learning Framework
COLS 0300 College Success Skills
CJLE 1506 Basic Peace Officer I 5
CJLE 1512 Basic Peace Officer II 5
Total 10

Spring Semester

Law Enforcement Academy Certificate Program of Study Spring Semester
Course Number Title Credit
CJLE 1518 Basic Peace Officer III 5
CJLE 1524 Basic Peace Officer IV 5
CJLE 1429 Basic Peace Officer V 4
Total 14
Total Credit Hours for Certificate 24

A 20-week option is exclusively designed for cohorts located at the Uvalde campus and is offered twice a year depending on demand.

CJLE 1506 Basic Peace Officer I
CJLE 1512 Basic Peace Officer II
CJLE 1518 Basic Peace Officer III
CJLE 1524 Basic Peace Officer IV
CJLE 1429 Basic Peace Officer V

Total Credit Hours for Certificate 24

Tuition and Fees 

Students enrolling in the Academy pay regular college tuition, fees and additional surcharges. Additional fees are also required prior to admission upon acceptance to the program. The following fees are approximate costs identified to assist the student in financial planning (Note: prices vary from year to year):

  • CPR Certification Fee = $38.00
  • State Test Fee - $35.00

Prior to Acceptance to the Academy

  • Students MUST be approved by TCOLE fingerprint screening. Students must make an appointment with FAST services online - $38.50.
  • Physical and Drug Screening (L-2 form) must be completed by a licensed physician designated by the Academy – prices vary depending on the physician. (contact the Academy office for physician information).
  • Students must complete a Psychological exam (L-3 form) with an approved Academy psychologist (contact the Academy office for psychologist information) - $100.00 (prices subject to change).
  • The Level I Certificate is TSI-waived; however individuals are encouraged to take the TSI Assessment and, if necessary, enroll in the appropriate developmental education courses in preparation to continue to the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) in Criminal Justice.

Upon acceptance to the Academy

Once a student has been accepted into the Southwest Texas College Law Enforcement Academy, the following purchases will need to be made:

    • A uniform of Royal Blue Classroom shirt and Grey PT shirt MUST be ordered from an approved vendor (contact the Academy office for vendor information).
    • Academy Headcover (cap with Academy seal) MUST be made from an approved vendor (contact the Academy office for vendor information).
    • Khaki tactical pants (no specific vendor)
    • Black Duty Boots, minimum 8” high(must be able to shine) – Prices vary
    • Black Shorts/Black Sweatpants/Black Windpants for PT
    • Black socks
    • Running sneakers
  • Books purchased through SWTX bookstore: (HFRG Threat Pattern Recognition Use of Force Student, Priced at campus bookstore)
    • 9mm (9x19mm) Pistol AMMO: 800-1,000 rounds
    • 12 GAUGE
      • Shotgun-SLUGS: 15 ROUNDS
      • Shotgun-00, 9 PELLET BUCKSHOT: 15 ROUNDS
      • Shotgun-Birdshot: 25 ROUNDS
    • Remington .223/NATO or 5.56 RIFLE AMMO: 300 ROUNDS
  • Testing
    • State Exam - $35.00

Withdrawal and Dismissal Policy

Southwest Texas College Law Enforcement Academy reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student whose health, attendance, conduct, personal qualities or scholastic records indicate that it would be inadvisable for the student to continue in the program. Students must maintain a minimum grade of 80 in all areas of the academy program. Students withdrawing from the academy must comply with the SWTX withdrawal policy and must participate in an exit interview in order to remain in good standing.

Law Enforcement Academy Class Schedule

Daytime Classes

Alpha Class Day Academy – Uvalde; M-F, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 

Evening Classes

Bravo Class Night Academy – Eagle Pass; M-F, 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Charlie Class Night Academy – Uvalde; M-F, 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Law Enforcement Academy Resources

Gainful Employment Disclosure (Certificate)

Texas Reality Check

Texas Reality Check will show you how much your living expenses will cost, and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them.

Pathful Explore

Pathful Explore offers several resources to support your career readiness and future planning. Pathful Explore takes the guesswork out of planning for your future.  Start exploring and preparing for your career!

Contact SWTX Law Enforcement Academy

A Ruhmann
April S. Ruhmann
Dean of Applied Sciences and Liberal Arts
(830) 591-2920
E Zamora
Emmanuel Zamora
Interim Coordinator
(830) 591-7348
B Diaz
Beco Diaz
(830) 591-7314
A Gonzalez
Amy Gonzalez
J Cervantes
Jose Cervantes, Jr.
T Zamarripa
Teresa Zamarripa
Office Manager
(830) 591-4158

Law Enforcement Academy Social Media


Visit our Facebook page to stay informed about SWTX's Law Enforcement Academy!

Visit with Your Success Coach

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

I DeLaCruz head shot

Idalia DeLaCruz
Dr. Antonio H. and Gloria Rivera Campus
215 W. Zavala Street
Crystal City, TX 78839
alt="" (830) 374-2828

Crystal City:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

L Gloria head shot

Laura Gloria
Building A
207 Wildcat Drive
Del Rio, TX 78840
alt="" (830) 703-1556

Del Rio:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

International students, please schedule your appointment with Eva De Anda.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

A Herrera

Alexya Herrera
Administration & Student Services Building
3101 Bob Rogers Drive
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
alt="" (830) 758-4156

Eagle Pass:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Alexya M. Herrera.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose a virtual appointment by clicking the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule a Virtual Appointment

A Conde head shot

Ana Lisa Conde
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-4152

Hondo Last Name A - K:
alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

A Sturdevant

Audrey Sturdevant
Virtual Appointments

alt="" (830) 591-2908

Hondo Last Name L - Z:
alt="" Schedule a Virtual Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

R Ramirez head shot

Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez
Pearsall Instructional Facility
523 E. Florida Street
Pearsall, TX 78061
alt="" (830) 334-5004

alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Roselle (Adriann) Ramirez.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment

Visit with Your Success Coach

Please choose from a virtual appointment or an in-person appointment by clicking on the link to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach.

Schedule an Appointment

A Conde head shot

Ana Lisa Conde
Fly Memorial Building (Building S)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-4152

Uvalde Last Name A - K:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

A Sturdevant

Audrey Sturdevant
Fly Memorial Building (Building S)
2401 Garner Field Road
Uvalde, TX 78801
alt="" (830) 591-2908

Uvalde Last Name L - Z:
alt="" Schedule an Appointment

Disability Support Services students, please schedule your appointment with Audrey Sturdevant.

Veteran students, please contact our Veteran Affairs Certifying Official to schedule an appointment